
As some members know, the Agency used to have clubs that anyone could create at free will. Although clubs were a great idea and would have helped get members involved, not much club activity actually occurred. A low number of club members and a high number of inactive members probably contributed to the dearth of club activity; hence, clubs were removed and inactive members were booted.

I want to re-introduce clubs when Halo 4 comes out but we need more active members to ensure club success. We can only gain more members if our current members recruit, so GO RECRUIT! We need to recruit as many members that we possibly can before Halo 4 comes out so that we're ready to go on the day of Halo 4's release. So far me and two other members have been the only ones to go out and recruit people, but we need all of our members to do this! I predict other members aren't recruiting because they're currently focused on a different video game (tired of Reach), or they're just lazy and don't care. These types of members are "dead-weight." It only takes about 30 minutes of your time to play 1 or 2 games of MLG and send a message to your recent players. That's all I want you to do!

I want the Agency to be a competitive clan but I want it to feel like a community too. Clubs help generate a tight community feel that gets members involved. For all members new to "clubs," clubs are groups that any member of the Agency can create for whatever purpose they want. Clubs can have any rules that are desired and there is no limit to the number of members in a club. Obviously, clubs offer a ton of freedom and possibilities.